For The Youth By Martin Zulu (Zambia)

My name is Martin Zulu. I was a participant in the Youth Training of Trainers course in October 2020, part of the Zambian group.

My Personal Reflections

Let me start by stating that I am so overwhelmed with gratitude for being given this opportunity to send a message to the youth of the world and for being part of this training. I further want to thank the organizers, coordinators, facilitators, and participants that made this training possible worldwide.

Why are Things the Way They are?

Believe it or not, this is the question that if people began to ask, the effect will be that conformity will be a thing of the past. However, the fact that the world does not have enough people to ask; why? Is the reason things are the way they are.

Monday morning coming to the Youth Training for Transformation Course, I expected that I would be ‘filled with knowledge and would come from the training transformed and I will transform the world.’ This is what we have been taught – we have been hot-wired to do it this way, but to my disappointment or more accurately my advantage, what I was made to realize was that the knowledge I wanted to be filled with was within from my own experiences and that what I needed was a great deal of self-reflection. TFT has taught me that I have a great deal of unexplored potential. It has completely changed my perspective on life.

Do we ever dream of a world where most have tapped into their undiscovered potential and have transformed it into their reality? Do you ever dream of a world where issues to do with gender, race, and lack of basic needs are addressed? From the TFT youth training, what the world needs is not change there but change here because only then will we reap the fruits of success. I invite youth all over the world to probe into these issues and not look from the distance but begin to act now – let us find out what is our role in making this change a reality.

I urge every youth reading this to not only watch – do not expect change from outside; it’s within you only if you would step out of your little box. Fellow participants take the experiences from this training with you, begin using them in every area of your life remember that what we experience at the self will affect our families, communities, countries, and the whole world. Our job is to bring out what already exists and let it shine in the people around us. Let us be ambassadors for change all over the world.